星期日, 4月 18, 2010

人獸交 (聊齋志異)


青州賈某,客于外,恆經歲不歸。家蓄一白犬,妻引與交。犬習為常。一日,夫至,與妻共臥。犬突入,登榻,嚙賈人竟死。後里舍稍聞之,共為不平,鳴于 官。官械婦,婦不肯伏,收之。命縛犬來,始取婦出。犬忽見婦,直前碎衣作交狀。婦始無詞。使兩役解部院,一解人而一解犬。有欲觀其合者,共斂錢賂役,役乃 牽聚令交。所止處,觀者常數百人,役以此網利焉。後人犬俱寸磔以死。嗚呼!天地之大,真無所不有矣。然人面而獸交者,獨一婦也乎哉?

異史氏為之判曰:「會于濮上,古所交譏;約于桑中,人且不齒。乃某者,不堪雌守之苦,浪思苟合之歡。夜叉伏牀,竟是家中牝獸;捷卿入竇,遂為被 底情郎。雲雨臺前,亂搖續貂之尾;溫柔鄉裡,頻款曳象之腰。銳錐處于皮囊,一縱股而脫穎;留情結于鏃項,甫飲羽而生根。忽思異類之交,直屬匪夷之想。尨吠 姦而為姦,妒殘凶殺,律難治以蕭曹;人非獸而實獸,姦穢淫腥,肉不食于豺虎。嗚呼!人姦殺,則擬女以剮;至於狗姦殺,陽世遂無其刑。人不良,則罰人作犬; 至於犬不良,陰曹應窮於法。宜支解以追魂魄,請押赴以問閻羅。」

星期一, 4月 12, 2010

They start smoking at fifth grade?

11-Year-Olds' Entire Plan For Night Is To Smoke Cigarettes

MARCH 20, 2002 | ISSUE 38•10

PINE BLUFF, AR—Lee Brandt, 11, a fifth-grader at North Woods Elementary School, announced Monday that he and his friends plan to spend Friday night smoking cigarettes.  [...]

So this is what kids are up to nowadays.

星期六, 4月 10, 2010

Understanding Christianese by The Thinking Atheist

Have you realize the hidden meanings of Christianese?

What is real? - Questions

The questions I compiled below covered parts of some branches in philosophy - epistemology and metaphysics.

What is real?
How do you know it is real?
How do you define real?
Are the five senses reliable?
Are all experiences real?
What is the nature of reality (Idealism vs Realism)?
How do know human senses are not deceiving?
Do you think your dreams are real?
Is an idea real?
If you can see/hear/touch/smell/taste something that other people can't, is it still real?
Can there be unreal?
If something/someone is unreal, how do/can you know? (it's unreal!)
Does real mean true?
If I tell you that I just smashed your precious automobile in the garage or your favorite plant in your garden, you took my word and ran out to check for damage, was "smashed car or plant" real?

Further Readings
  1. Zhuangzi (book, chapter 2): The Butterfly Dream [莊子‧齊物論: 莊周夢蝶]
  2. Spinoza: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_Spinoza
  3. Spinoza: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spinoza/
  4. Descartes: http://www.iep.utm.edu/descarte/
  5. Descartes: http://www.radicalacademy.com/phildescartes1.htm

星期一, 4月 05, 2010

The "low self-esteem" Tobi

Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is depressed.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is depressed and suicidal.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a ghost.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a depressed ghost.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a depressed and suicidal ghost.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a 聻.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a depressed 聻.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: Tobi is a depressed and suicidal 聻.
Jojo: Tobi 冇鬼用
Tobi: ...
Tobi 冷知識: 人死為鬼,鬼死為聻。[ 聻: 漸 (粵)]
出自《五音集韻》說:「人死為鬼,人見懼之;鬼死為魙,鬼見怕之。」 [魙: 同"聻"]
《聊齋誌異‧章阿端》: 「人死為鬼,鬼死為魙。鬼之畏魙,猶人之畏鬼也。」

My Easter Present

Well, I never expected to get a Easter present because I am not accustomed to celebrate Easter nor people around me. It's just another holiday to me like Labor Day, National Day, et cetera with no special feelings attached to it.
Then my housemate Brad bought me a giant chocolate egg on the past Saturday. It was as big as my head! (maybe I have a smaller than average head...) It was really a surprise and I liked it.
Unfortunately, it has to be broken into pieces in order to eat it and that's what I did last night.
Good bye, chocolate egg.

星期日, 4月 04, 2010

Is this what Mormonism teaches?

I have not verified the truthfulness of this video nor it is worthwhile for me to do so. It's simply fun to watch.

I am a Satanist

"I don't believe in God anymore. I am a Satanist."
"I think that's a atheist. Satanist...... do things to goats."
What religion on Earth can possibly be more misunderstood than Satanism?
If you can come up with one, please kindly tell me.
When most people hear the term "Satanism", they think of things like animal sacrificing, digging graves, heavy metal music and teenage fans, or any other ridiculous things they see in the media and movies that they believe is real.
What if I tell you there is a kind of Satanism that the followers are rational and responsible adults, atheistic and do not believe in Satan as a supernatural deity, do not do human and animal sacrifice and harming children as it is explicitly prohibited, do not proselytize their beliefs?
Hard to believe, huh?

星期四, 4月 01, 2010

Richard Dawkins Reads His Hate Mail

Religious intolerant retards never stop to amuse me.